Register now to secure your seat for the second of the ‘DEconstructed’ webinar series; Travel in the GCC.
This series is FREE for a limited time and gives marketing specialists across FMCG, Travel, and Finance in the GCC an in-depth understanding of their Arab world consumers.
Tue 7th Sep: 10.30 am (1 hr)
In this webinar, D/A’s Managing Partner Paul Kelly examines GCC travel audience shifts and new trends that have occurred while consumers move through restrictions, lock-downs, re-opening, and everything in between through 2020 to 2021.
We’ll be exploring the Arab travel consumer behavioural and emotional reactions to market changes and the commercial opportunities that arise from this understanding.
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Webinar Topics:
- A macro picture of the biggest interruption to travel this century;
- The realisation of the impact of the global pandemic;
- The re-opening and how consumer confidence has been impacted;
- Travel Tribes – new audiences brands should be looking at;
- Shifts in travel audiences’ consumption behaviour online.
Feel free to share with colleagues and take advantage of this free information session.
If you have specific requests regarding information for this session, please email [email protected]