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    Ramadan 2023

    Social Trends at the Halfway mark

    The Ramadan Shift.

    Discover how Ramadan in 2023 is evolving through changes in demographics, media consumption, and lifestyle through Sila's recent study. Download for free.

    The Holy Month of Ramadan is a significant time for Muslims around the world, characterized by fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection. However, as society evolves, so too do the traditions and priorities associated with Ramadan.

    Sila’s studies have explored how Ramadan in 2023 is changing in response to demographic shifts, changes in media consumption, and lifestyle. This report summarizes their key findings, shedding light on how different generations perceive and celebrate Ramadan in a rapidly evolving world.

    Ramadan in 2023 is influenced by changes in demographics, lifestyle, and media consumption.

    Sila’s studies reveal that younger generations have a nostalgia for the past, while older generations see Ramadan as simpler financially. The younger generation prioritizes friendships over family gatherings, and gaming and sports over movies and series. Spirituality remains central across all generations, and social media platforms like TikTok are preferred over TV content.

    During the midpoint of Ramadan, older millennials worry about budgeting and modern Ramadan pressures. For Gen Zers, Ramadan is evolving rapidly, with a more personalized and reflective approach needed to adjust to a changing society while still retaining its spiritual element.

    Here are some of our key findings:

    • Ramadan is evolving rapidly influenced by demographics, media consumption, and lifestyle.
    • Younger generations have a nostalgia for the past, while older generations see Ramadan as simpler financially.
    • The younger generation prioritizes friendships over family gatherings, and gaming and sports over movies and series.
    • Spirituality remains central across all generations, and social media platforms like TikTok are preferred over TV content.
    • Older millennials worry about budgeting and modern Ramadan pressures.
    • Ramadan is evolving to become more personalized and reflective of a changing society while still retaining its spiritual element.


    Ramadan in 2023 is rapidly evolving, driven by changes in demographics, media consumption, and lifestyle.

    Younger generations are looking to experience Ramadan of the past, while older generations long for the simplicity of past Ramadan. The younger generation prioritizes friendships and social media, while spirituality remains central across all generations.

    The evolution of Ramadan is leading to a more personalized and reflective approach to the Holy Month in a rapidly changing society while still retaining its spiritual element.

    Interested to get a copy of the full report? Download for free now.

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    If you want to stay informed about how society is evolving and changing, subscribing to Sila’s research studies can provide valuable insights that help you stay ahead of the curve.

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