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      Get the insights you need on research, audiences, communicatons and digital from Sila's experts you can trust.
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      Listen to the best marketers, reserach professionals from MENA for insights into making better decisions.
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      Read our latest reports and get the full picture on some of the biggest cultural movements and Sila's whitepapers on broad topics.
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  • Success Stories

      Who we work with

      Our products are for anyone looking to make better business decisions. We work with anyone who needs to sell to, or communicate with, consumers.
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      Product Stories
      See how our Social Understanding suite and AI products unlocked value for business & government.
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      Influence Success Stories
      See how we've helped companies like yours to grow and influence consumers into action.
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      Research Success Stories
      Sila's AI has delivered on briefs that traditional market research has been unable to do.
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  • Company

      About Sila

      Learn about how we enable social understanding through our AI technology to help drive better decision-making across government & business.
      About Us
      Discover Sila's company and our team that drives our AI technology from Dubai to the world.
      The companyThe teamContact us
      Our Technology
      Learn about our capbilities and what enables us to help your business decisions.
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      Looking for a career with some of the most exciting Ai technology? Further your career with Sila.
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  • AI-powered customer experience (CX) hub.

    Understand what everyone in MENA thinks about your brand with Sila's CX holistic view.

    Know your customers’ pain points, what they’re happy with and what you can do to make their life easier through your offering.

    We track the public and social web, from reviews to comments, to better understand your customers.

    Our AI platform uses natural language processing to understand what your consumer feels, thinks, and says about your brand.

    Utilise Sila’s technology to better understand their feelings towards your brand, experience or offering and use the insights to develop solutions to improve or maintain your CX efforts.

    As seen in:

    Understand the power of the social & review web.

    Using the power of natural language processing, we understand what customers are saying and what they feel, ensuring you can better communicate with your customers – improving experience, retention, and satisfaction.

    By matching data from the review platforms, media (blogs, news, and forums) and social media, we can build an accurate profile of how your consumer thinks and feels.

    Leverage insights to create better experiences.

    Data is only as good as what you make of it. With our transparent and concise dashboards and reports, you can be assured that outcomes will be actionable – meaning you can run your business successfully.

    Our experienced researchers and strategists can then deliver compelling narratives that will help you align your teams, your digital offerings, and most importantly, your customer strategy to enable success.

    Drive audience behaviour and engagement.

    Sila can help you better position your product or service through insight gained from sentiment, emotion, and topic data. This data from Arabic-native AI (in English, too!) enables us to see the bigger picture.

    Drive audience engagement through advanced insight that allows refining offerings from experiences across the digital and physical worlds. Your marketing, sales, and operations team can work more efficiently with more robust engagement.

    Get a demo of Sila's tool that makes customer experience more effecient.

    Get a demo today of the power of the Customer Experience hub tool and our broader Social Understanding Suite to see how you can make better business decisions in a flash with our AI technology.